30 Ocak 2011 Pazar

The year of the Crane and the Tiger

Tiger and the Crane are animals which I both treasure for their strength, resolution and aestethics. Crane is a creature of intelligence and finesse where Tiger, also being my Chinese Zodiac Sign, is a fierce and agile animal. It's brave, competitive and unpredictable.

For many thousand years, these two creatures were observed closely for their distinct behaviours. Tiger is not an animal to be trifled with and Crane is also a creature of cunning and adaptability. It also possess a certain way in what he does, showing a certain feeling of grace with his moves.

Chinese martial art Kung-Fu nourished from these two for a very long time, in which the effects can be seen quite obviously. A sub-branch of Kung-Fu, known as Wing-Tsun derives from the basic Crane style. However, Tiger is much more intertwined with original Kung-Fu art and is a difficult pattern to squeeze due to its greater reliability on raw body strength and agility. The combination of two styles though, can also be seen throughout martial artists, drawing from both sides' benefits.

What I find in these two is a spirit that I've long searched for. I've been brought up relying on my innate intellect and pure knowledge. But jumping into life seems to be demanding a lot more that that.

Tiger, as anyone knows, is a creature of decisiveness and power. Knowing he has the required power to perform a task, for example hunt a deer, it acknowledges that it's only a matter of determination and perseverance to obtain it. Despite his strength and weight, he can also perform quick and momentary moves, in order to follow the quick steering deer, doing whatever is needed to reach or take down its prey at that very moment. What I'm trying to learn from Tiger, my Chinese counterpart to my Zodiac Sign is that one has to lock his eyes to his target and never let go. Watch the moment and do what is necessary to get your award. Concentration and quick, agile acting is the key. You should do whatever it takes to achieve your goal because you know you are already more than powerful enough for many, many opponent (goal) available.

The White Crane on the other hand, relies heavily on intellect and adaptation. It can live under many conditions in an abundance or shortage of food, create its own solutions. It's a peaceful creature by nature but when it faces difficulties in life, it uses constructive methods, social mutualism, then intimidation, bluffing yet if all else fails engages the threat to protect himself or his loved ones. And while doing so, he again uses his knowledge and finesse to hit once but hit precise. Raw power or sheer determinism is not enough for Crane but he gets by all the same.

As anyone can see, these are already two successful specimens on their respective rights. But combining the two of them in a united understanding of wisdom is all the more reason to respect these natural fighters. We who consider ourselves civilized still have so much to deal with in our life, which in some perspective may be regarded as "fighting". This is where we search for a fighting spirit, and I preferred as the Ancient Monks of Shaolin once did, observing the nature and learning from its ways.

In my initiation to real life, I have faced many sour situations up until now. I'm still troubled and concerned about my future at the moment. But when one thinks, "what would nature's way be" he gets the right answer : don't lose your focus and stay firm as a Tiger knowing that once you reach your target, you'll have all the power to overcome it, use your wits and adaptation skill, be intelligent and wise as a White Crane to outcome the trivial problems of everyday life and show finesse in solving things. I may have failed several times till now but hereby I give my solemn Oath that I will NEVER give up this fight, I'll chase it night and day and take it down so I can reach my goal. I will be as fierce as a Tiger and as gracious and smart as a Crane.

"The more we succeed in training our hearts and minds through cultivating spiritual qualities, the better our ability to cope with adversity." -Dalai Lama

22 Ocak 2011 Cumartesi

Paralel Evren

Of. Başlık çok feci, sanki sayfalarca şey yazıcakmışım gibi geliyo kulağa. Ama öyle değil.

Multiverse mantığı, fizik, psikoloji, felsefe, matematik, olasılık gibi bi çok konuyla alakalı ve yıllardır (1895'den beri) üzerinde düşünülen bir kavram. Benim de çok sevdiğim bir kavram, çok da derin bi konu. Ama ben paralel evren mantığını çok kısa bir anekdotla irdeleyip sonra gidicem.

Geçenlerde taşındık (yine). Evdeki tüm bardakların olduğu kutuyu taşıyodum apartmanda, saat gece 11'di. Sonra bi an için acaba bunu şu an düşürsem ne olur diye düşündüm. Hatta düşünmeyi geçtim hayal ettim, böyle elimden kaydığını, o parmaklarımdan kurtulma anını hissettiğimi ve koca cam dolu kutu havada yere doğru yaklaşık 10 m/s² hızla ivmelenirken aklımdan geçenleri düşündüm. Sonra düşüp bin parçaya ayrıldığını, çıkan muazzam gürültüyü, komşuların ayaklanıp noluyo diye dışarı çıkmasını, orayı temizlemek zorunda kalışımı, yeni bardaklar almak zorunda kalışımızı, her şeyi birebir hayal ettim. Sonra bunlar gerçekten olmuş gibi geldi bi an için ve böyle olduktan sonraki pişmanlığımı ve üzüntümü, "off keşke daha sıkı tutsaydım ve şu felaket yaşanmasaydı, keşke zamanı geri alabilseydim" diye düşüneceğimi farkettim. Ama zaten kutu elimde sapasağlam duruyodu ve başına herhangi bir iş gelmemişti.

İşte paralel evrenler arasında daha "favorable" olan bir tanesine geçiş yapmıştım o esnada belki de.

İyi geceler.